Then, you gather children, nephews, neighbors and nail three boards across (2x6's I think). Finally, you nail your fence board in place using string across top for perfection. Now, these are basic instructions (from a woman of course), so if you are really interested in building a fence "google it"
My children have been such a blessing throughout this process! They put up the majority of the fence, took down the old fence and soooooo on! Thank you boys and yes my lil strong daughter as well!
Looking Good! (now remember, the boys are the ones who put up this whole section of fence board) Awesome job!!!!
The next thing will be to paint a protector stain.
We also recycled the old boards to finish back of fence since it is in front of the woods. And, because of unleveling, those old boards were used as a barrier on bottom so the dogs can't get out!